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About Us

At Coliban Water, our purpose is to provide water and sewage services for public health and the environment so our communities can sustain themselves. 

Our vision is Healthy Water, Healthy People. We will achieve this through:

  • Providing high quality water our customers can trust
  • Enhancing the environment by reducing our impact on the region
  • Supporting regional prosperity through our investments
  • Supporting customers in need and balancing our generational investments
  • Being easy to deal with

Our region and history

See where we operate and discover the unique history of the Coliban System.

Our Board and Structure

Meet our Executive Leadership Team and Board of Directors, and see our organisational structure.

Traditional Owners

We recognise that the region we service across Central and Northern Victoria has a human history that began with Traditional Owner custodians.

Water quality and compliance

We manage water quality in our region to protect supplies for future generations.

Fees & charges

Our prices ensure the ongoing delivery of safe drinking water, recycled water, rural water and sewage services.

Our partners

Working with other organisations helps us improve and deliver our services.


Tenders and contractors

Find current and future opportunities to work with us.


we partner with suppliers and contractors who not only offer value for our customers' money, but also present opportunities to deliver social and sustainable outcomes that benefit the Victorian community.

Water security

Find out how we're managing water security for current and future customers.

Policies and plans

Read about our initiatives and plans for the future.

Our Reservoirs

Check out everything you can enjoy at our beautiful reservoirs and view data about storage levels.

Share your ideas, provide us with feedback and work with us to make the Coliban Water region a place to live, grow and enjoy.

Visit Connect Coliban to find out about projects and the future of water in your region.

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