Coliban Water recognises the importance of protecting the privacy of our customers and other stakeholders and appreciates the trust placed in our business when you supply information to us. We are bound by, and committed to the establishment and maintenance of operational practices that will allow us to comply with the Information Privacy Principles (IPPs) outlined in The Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and the relevant Health Privacy Principles (HPPs) outlined in the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic).
This statement explains in general terms, how we give effect to our privacy obligations in handling your personal (including health) information and in particular explains why we collect that information and how we use and disclose it.
In this statement the expressions "we", "us", and "our" are a reference to Coliban Region Water Corporation. The expression "personal information" is used in this statement to refer to information or an opinion about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion, or information or an opinion which is or could be predictive about an individual’s health.
Collection of personal information
We collect personal information such as your name, telephone numbers, mail address, service address, email address, date of birth and water consumption volumes to facilitate the provision of retail, urban and rural water and wastewater services.
We may collect personal information in a number of ways including through the on-line forms available from our web-site, over the telephone, through email or from hard-copy applications delivered or presented to us. We collect water consumption information through water meter readings (either manually or through an automated data logger where a digital meter has been installed at your property).
Use and disclosure of personal information
We will only use and disclose personal information in ways that are consistent with or related to the provision of our services (the primary purpose that the information was collected). This includes tasks such as preparing household water accounts, providing customer alerts, managing debt recovery (which might entail referring your details onto debt recovery agencies), customer verification, water security analysis, water bill analysis and investigations and providing customers with appropriate and timely information regarding our services.
At times, we will need to refer your personal information onto our third-party contractors to facilitate their access to our assets on your property for maintenance and inspection activities and also to enable them to provide advice or information to customers about service disruptions.
From time to time we may use the information we collect to survey customers, but only in relation to the services we provide or in order to determine means of service improvement.
We may also use the information you provide for planning and reporting purposes in connection with the provision of customer services. In some cases, to allow us to give effect to our statutory obligations, we may be required to disclose personal information to the Commonwealth or State Governments or their respective agencies.
We will also provide customer account details to “Authorised Persons” – that is, a person who is registered on a Coliban Water customer record. “Authorised Persons” can only be registered once we have your written authorisation to do so. The authorisation can be completed via an online form available from our website or by requesting a hard copy form.
We will not otherwise, without your consent, use or disclose your personal information unless it would reasonably be expected that the use or disclosure is related to the primary purpose of providing water and wastewater services to your household, property, or business, or where such use or disclosure is permitted or required by law.
Data Security
We will take reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold from unauthorised use, disclosure, access, modification, loss or other misuse. We will take reasonable steps to protect the personal information we hold from unauthorised use, disclosure, access, modification, loss or other misuse and will securely dispose of (or de-identify) the personal information we collect when it is no longer required for any purpose.
We have processes designed to identify and assess security risks to the personal information we hold and will take reasonable precautions to manage those risks, including measuring our information security practices against the requirements of the Victorian Protective Data Security Standards published by the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner.
Accuracy of personal information
We will take reasonable steps to ensure the personal information we hold is accurate, complete and up-to-date. To help us in this regard, it is important that you provide us with full and accurate information to enable us to continue to provide complete services or benefits to you.
If you become aware of any inaccuracies in our records, or if your details change, we request that you notify us as soon as possible.
In some cases, a failure to provide correct and complete information to us can impact on our ability to provide quality services to you or your property.
Access to personal information
You may at any time request access to the personal information that is collected or otherwise held or acquired by us in relation to you, or request more details about our policies with respect to the management of personal information, by using any of the contact points listed below.
Coliban Water uses CCTV cameras at the Bridge St Head Office and other premises for security purposes. The Victorian Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act) gives the public the right to request access to CCTV footage. This right of access is subject to limited exceptions and exemptions.
Concealed Cameras
Coliban Water uses concealed camera technology for the purpose of gathering evidence and information of people committing alleged offences. These offences include unauthorised water take, interfering with water flow and other offences under the Water Act 1989 and Water (Recreational Area) Regulations 2023.
Concealed cameras are only installed by officers at specific locations where alleged offences have been suspected or reported.
All concealed cameras are installed within the requirements of the Surveillance Devices Act 1999 and all information captured by cameras is handled in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.
Images of a private nature not relevant to the alleged offences detected are destroyed.
We encourage customers that have a privacy concern or complaint to let us know using any of the contact points listed below. We will investigate your complaint, answer any questions you have and do all that we can to address the root causes of your concerns.
If you believe we have not provided a satisfactory response to your complaint, you can also contact the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner on 1300 006 842 or via their website at Making a complaint to OVIC - Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner.
Contact us
Office Address
37-45 Bridge Street
Bendigo Victoria 3550
PO Box 2770
Bendigo Delivery Centre Victoria 3554
1300 363 200
Further relevant information
Privacy Policy (PDF 253KB)