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Bealiba is located in the Central Goldfields Shire. Gold was discovered in Bealiba in 1856. Today, the town has a population of around 200 people.

You can view the latest Water Summary for Bealiba here.

Water Supply

Loddon - supplies Bealiba, Bridgewater, Dunolly, Inglewood, Laanecoorie and Tarnagulla. Raw water is supplied from the Loddon River. Goulburn-Murray Water manages the raw water supply.

Water Treatment

Water is treated at the Laanecoorie Water Treatment Plant.

The Water Treatment Process (PDF 43KB) includes coagulation and flocculation, clarification, media filtration and pH correction. Disinfection is via UV and chloramination. Algal toxins and taste and odour compounds are removed using a PAC process.

Treated water is pumped from Laanecoorie to a tank in Bealiba which holds up to 500 kilolitres and undergoes secondary disinfection via chloamination. It's then gravity fed to the township's reticulation system.


There is no sewerage system for Bealiba.

Towns without sewerage systems generally have septic tanks to treat sewage. Find out more about onsite wastewater systems on the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) website.


There's 1 standpipe in Bealiba:

  • Main Street, Bealiba

For more information on standpipes and how to use them, see water carting.

Projects and planned works

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Last updated on 24 May 2024
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