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12 October 2018

Coliban Water is working to improve the performance of the Castlemaine Water Reclamation Plant to address an odour issue, as well as improve the quality of the treated water being released to Campbells Creek.

Treatment Manager Leon Stackpole said a number of short, medium and long term works were being planned to resolve the issues and improve plant performance.

“We received two odour complaints at the end of September and we have been notified that the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria has also received two complaints.

“Recent plant performance issues associated with the solids treatment process have been identified as the likely cause of increased odour.

“We have already implemented changes to reduce the odour, and overall odour emissions are returning to normal,” Mr Stackpole said.

“Under our EPA licence we are permitted to release Class C treated water to Campbells Creek via a licensed discharge point. As a result of the solids treatment issues, we are also experiencing some water treatment challenges which we are working to address. With the planned works, we should meet our treated water discharge compliance obligations for the current financial year.

“We will continue to work with the EPA regarding these works.

“We are committed to keeping the community informed with progress on these works over the next few months. We welcome continual feedback so we can monitor this issue and address it appropriately,” Mr Stackpole said.

Goulburn-Murray Water and the North Central Catchment Management Authority have also been notified of the issue.

For more information about classes of treated water, please click here.

Last updated on 08 Jul 2019
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