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Water storage information


Rainfall received at Malmsbury Reservoir is captured by Coliban Water. 

The data is provided to the Bureau of Meteorology, contributing to their network of weather stations.  

For other rainfall stations in the catchment, visit the Bureau of Meteorology website.


Inflows to our storages on the Coliban River, namely the Upper Coliban, Lauriston and Malmsbury Reservoirs, are calculated based on the change in water level, evaporation, diversions and releases. 

Lake Eppalock inflows are calculated by Goulburn-Murray Water.

Measured inflow data is also available from gauging stations on the Coliban River, Little Coliban River and Kangaroo Creek from the Bureau of Meteorology website.

Water storage levels

Coliban Water manages the Upper Coliban, Lauriston and Malmsbury Reservoirs and often report on the combined water in storage in the reservoirs.

Coliban Water also manages a number of the smaller storages including McCay, Barkers Creek, Sandhurst and Spring Gully Reservoirs. Water levels on these storages are available from the Bureau of Meteorology website:

Barkers Creek
Spring Gully
Upper Coliban 

Coliban Water has an 18 per cent capacity share of total volume and inflows in Lake Eppalock, which is managed by Goulburn Murray Water. 

You can also access more information from the Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action (DEECA) Water Management Information System (WMIS).



Coliban Water release water from Malmsbury Reservoir to the Coliban River to meet environmental flow requirements as directed by the North Central Catchment Management Authority.

Coliban Water also releases water from Malmsbury Reservoir to the Coliban Main Channel to provide supply to downstream communities.

Coliban Water pump from Lake Eppalock to supply Bendigo, Heathcote and rural customers around Bendigo. Coliban Water also contribute to environmental flows in the Campaspe River.



While all due care and attention has been taken in collecting, validating and providing data, Coliban Water shall not be liable in any way for loss of any kind including damages, costs, interest, loss of profits or special loss or damage, arising from any error, inaccuracy, incompleteness or other defect in this information.

In utilising this information, the recipient acknowledges that Coliban Water makes no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of this information.

Last updated on 13 Jan 2023
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