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17 July 2018

Coliban Water has renewed 580 metres of water mains at five different locations in Cohuna at a cost of $135,000.

Manager Infrastructure Corey Bourne said the renewals works were part of Coliban Water’s ongoing water mains renewal program.

“We carry out routine testing to assess our mains so we can identify those which need to be renewed. This helps prevent potential bursts and impact to customer services, as well as reducing maintenance and repair costs.

“Our recent works in Cohuna commenced in June and took six weeks to complete, replacing water mains on Murray Valley Highway, Bankhead Street, Livingston Street, Tennis Court Road, Brays Road and Cardwardines Road. The oldest main we replaced was installed in 1950,” said Mr Bourne.

“The mains were renewed using directional boring, a trenchless technology that reduces the need for excavation work and is more environmentally friendly compared to open-trench methods.

“Less excavation prevents damage to trees and root systems, waterways, nature strips, gardens and driveways and means substantially less reinstatement work and less carbon emissions from construction machinery.

“On average directional boring generates 90 per cent fewer greenhouse gas emissions than open-trench excavations and overall cost savings of 25 to 50 per cent.

“Road closures and disruption to residents and businesses close to work sites are also reduced,” said Mr Bourne.

In 2017/18 Coliban Water replaced around 2.9 kilometres of water mains across the region at a cost of $571,000, as part of the renewal program.

“We identify sites for replacement by analysing a range of criteria including the criticality, risk to customers, number of failures, number of supply interruptions, number of customers impacted and the assessed remaining useful life of the asset.

“Our renewal program ensures that we continue to maintain and deliver services to our customers with minimal disruption,” said Mr Bourne.

Information on Coliban Water’s current works can be found on our Planned works and interruptions page and further information on main renewals can be found on our Water and Sewer Main Renewal page.

Last updated on 08 Jul 2019
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