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24 September 2018

The raw water that supplies customers in Heathcote and Tooborac will change next week from Caledonia Reservoir to Lake Eppalock.

Coliban Water Acting Executive General Manager Water Quality Phillip Fasham said the change in the raw water supply source was necessary due to the low water levels in Caledonia Reservoir.

“We are approaching the level where we need to switch our raw water supply from Caledonia Reservoir to Lake Eppalock. Water levels within Caledonia Reservoir are declining and the weather conditions are getting warmer, which creates a potential for poor raw water quality to develop in Caledonia Reservoir.

“We are making the change next week to Lake Eppalock to avoid any potential for poor quality drinking water being provided to our Heathcote and Tooborac customers,” Mr Fasham said.

Customers should not notice any change to the drinking water they receive.

“All drinking water is treated to a standard that meets the requirements of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines and Victoria’s Safe Drinking Water Act.

Mr Fasham said the Heathcote Water Treatment Plant has the ability to draw water from a number of sources in the event of water quality or security of supply concerns.

“We have the ability to draw water from three raw water sources – Caledonia Reservoir, our water share in Lake Eppalock or backfeed water from Sandhurst Reservoir in Bendigo - which contains water sourced from our Coliban catchment storages near Kyneton.

“This provides us with greater options in how we manage our raw water supply sources,” Mr Fasham said.

For further information please contact our Customer Support Team on 1300 363 200 or visit our website –

Last updated on 08 Jul 2019
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