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Invoice or Account Statement

For a copy of a previous invoice or account statement, complete an Invoice or Account Statement Request online form.

You'll need:

  • your account number (9 digit number prefaced with the letter C in the top right corner of your bill)

Applications take 3 business days to process.


Information Statement / Special Meter Read

An Information Statement shows the water and/or sewage fees owing on a property at a particular time.

It's usually needed when buying or selling a property or change of business ownership, but can be requested any time.

A Special Meter Read is included in your application, which calculates water use at the property to a particular date.

How to order

If you want an Information Statement and a Special Meter Read, complete our Information Statement and Special Meter Read Request form online.

You'll need:

  • all relevant titles
  • title plan
  • credit card to make a payment

Once we get your form and payment, we can process your order. It will take approximately 5 working days.

If you only want an Information Statement, you can alternatively apply using LANDATA or Dye & Durham.

Fees (2024/25)

Special Meter Read (manual read) $23.15
Special Meter Read (digital read - no charge) $0
Information Statement $34.79

Fees are GST exempt.

Note that if you apply using our online form and we can't find a property that matches your application, you'll get a Not Rated Certificate. In this case, the fee still applies.

For more information call us on 1300 363 200.

Last updated on 28 Jun 2024
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