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31 July 2019

Customer experience is at the forefront of Coliban Water’s new website set to launch today, which remains at

The new website has been under construction for more than 12 months and focuses on ease of navigation and usability.

Executive General Manager Strategy and Governance Roslyn Wai said accessibility is the focus of the design.

“There are a range of new reading, listening and translation features on the website which we hope will allow all our customers to have a better online experience with us,”

“We have re-written much of the website’s content to make it easier to read and understand,” Ms Wai said.

The website is also now mobile, tablet device friendly.

Ms Wai said the website is a crucial part of Coliban Water’s larger plan for continuously improving the customer experience and organisational systems in years to come.

“We intend to use this website as a platform to build upon, adding more features and services in the future.

“We are committed to continually building on the website to benefit both our customers and industry stakeholders,” Ms Wai said.

Customers are encouraged to visit the new website and feedback is welcome.

Last updated on 31 Jul 2019
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