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04 March 2019

As the Victorian duck hunting season approaches, Coliban Water is reminding duck hunters to ensure they only go hunting in State Game Reserves and other areas open to duck hunting.

Manager Community Operations Mick Dunne said the warning comes after an incident last year where a person was issued with a pre-charge diversion by Victoria Police for the offence of trespass.

The person had been shooting birds at a lagoon within the Cohuna Water Reclamation Plant grounds.

“Our plant operator at Cohuna noticed the hunters on site and details were subsequently passed on to local police,” he said.

“Birds are naturally attracted to the open water at our water reclamation plants. This is not the first time we’ve encountered this issue – not only at Cohuna – but also at our other reclamation plants,” Mr Dunne said.

Water reclamation plants and associated lagoons within Coliban Water grounds are private property and are not open to the public.

“This illegal hunting can pose a number of risks to staff and the hunters themselves. Hunters must only go shooting in the areas where it is legally permitted,” Mr Dunne said.

The only birds which can be hunted are ducks, quail and introduced game birds, as specified by the Game Management Authority (GMA).

Hunters and the public are urged to report any illegal hunting to the GMA through its website or by phoning its Customer Service Centre on 136 186. People can also contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or Victoria Police.

For more information on game hunting in Victoria visit

Last updated on 12 Jul 2019
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