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16 January 2019

Lauriston Reservoir has again been the target of illegal rubbish dumping – with the latest pile of rubbish discovered on Friday 11 January this year at the western entrance to the reservoir grounds.

Manager Community Operations Mick Dunne said the Reservoir Controller was carrying out a routine inspection of the grounds when the rubbish was discovered.

“Our staff member came across the assorted waste, which included a television, chest of drawers, cupboard, files, garden waste, plastic bags, empty beer cans, women’s shoes and other items.

“It really is disappointing that someone has chosen to discard their rubbish in this way. They’ve shown disregard for the environment, their community and other users of this track as well,” Mr Dunne said.

“Even though our staff regularly patrol the area, sadly this is something that happens all too often. We’ve also installed cameras in some locations.

“We urge members of the community report any illegal dumping of rubbish to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria.”

The public can call the 24-hour EPA pollution hotline if they are aware of an illegal dumping or a pollution event on 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842).

Even if you only have partial information and suspect illegal dumping activity, EPA encourages anyone to report via EPA’s Illegal Dumping Intelligence Form at

Last updated on 09 Jul 2019
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