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02 July 2018

Coliban Water announced today that allocations for the 2018/19 rural season will open at 100 per cent.

Chief Operating Officer Neville Pearce said storages were in a strong position despite below average autumn rainfall and a dry start to winter.

“Our three catchment storages on the Coliban River near Kyneton are currently at 68 per cent, holding 46,945 megalitres,” said Mr Pearce.

“Our annual inflow for 2017/18 was 32,555 megalitres, which is 3,813 megalitres more than our 20-year median but considerably down from the 100,555 megalitres received for 2016/17.

“Rural water usage from our catchment storages last season was around 3,500 megalitres and the total annual usage for towns in our Coliban Southern system is around 2,700 megalitres.

“Our catchment storages are the only source of supply for towns in our Coliban Southern system, which includes Castlemaine and Kyneton.

“Our Coliban Northern system towns, which include Bendigo, can access water from our storages, from our 18 per cent share of Lake Eppalock and from the Goulburn System via the Goldfields Superpipe.

“In making our water resources decisions we consider all customers supplied by our storages - whilst always aiming to maintain two years of supply in store.

“As well as full rural allocations, our urban systems will remain on Permanent Water Saving Rules this coming summer,” said Mr Pearce.

Permanent Water Saving Rules are part of the Victorian Government’s Target Your Water Use suite of products, services and solutions for regional Victorians on how to use water more wisely.

Mr Pearce said rural water deliveries would start toward the end of October depending on customer demand for water.

Rural customers will be sent further information via the post.

“Customer information packs will be posted prior to water deliveries commencing in October, once channel rosters have been finalised.

“Rural customers on our recycled water channel systems of Ascot and Cockatoo Hill will also receive 100 per cent of allocation,” said Mr Pearce.

For further information see our Rural SeasonReservoir LevelsSystem Summaries and Saving Water pages on our website –

Last updated on 08 Jul 2019
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