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03 September 2018

There were plenty of happy faces at Long Gully’s Havilah Road Preschool today as Coliban Water’s support for the Smiles 4 Miles initiative started across the Greater Bendigo region.

This is the second year Coliban Water has promoted the consumption of tap water through the Choose Tap message in Smiles 4 Miles early childhood services, and the Drink Well message from Dental Health Services Victoria. It aims to improve the oral health of preschool children and encourage good habits early in life. It’s hoped this will provide the best chance of maintaining good oral health into adulthood.

General Manager Corporate Strategy and Governance Roslyn Wai said Coliban Water would be providing Choose Tap packs to 56 kindergartens and preschools in 2018 – up from 37 in 2017. The program will be extended into Campaspe Shire for the first time, in addition to preschools in the Greater Bendigo region. The program is facilitated by service providers Bendigo Health, Northern District Community Health and Echuca Regional Health.

Students at Havilah Road Preschool in Bendigo were the first to receive the packs today (3 September).

“Our Choose Tap initiative promotes the benefits of drinking tap water as an alternative to sugary drinks and is a perfect fit with Smiles 4 Miles,” Ms Wai said.

“Almost 5,000 preschool children will receive a Choose Tap reusable water bottle containing a parent information sheet and some stickers. Kindergartens will receive access to Choose Tap resources and some brand new Water Heroes teaching materials.”

The bottles and resources are provided free for services registered with the Smiles 4 Miles initiative.

“Smiles 4 Miles and Choose Tap are both great initiatives to promote healthy living and improve the health of our communities,” said Havilah Road Preschool Teacher Gail Dwyer.

“The children have really enjoyed the chance to become ‘water heroes’ for the day, learn about the water cycle, water conservation and good oral hygiene,” she said.

Ms Wai said tap water also represents value for money.

“One litre of bottled water can cost $3, but for the same cost you can refill a one litre bottle from the tap, every day, for more than two and half years.

“Tap water is also more environmentally friendly than bottled water with more than 50 per cent of plastic bottles end up as landfill or litter,” said Ms Wai.

For further information on our Education programs and Choose Tap initiative see our website

Last updated on 08 Jul 2019
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