Coliban Water, following consultation with the Department of Health, advises that all customers in Gunbower should boil their drinking water until further notice.
This advisory has been issued following routine sampling which has detected E. coli in the supply network, indicating that the safety of the drinking water has been compromised.
Coliban Water recommends that customers should bring water to a rolling boil before being used by heating the water until a continuous and rapid stream of air-bubbles is produced from the bottom of a pan or kettle. Kettles with automatic cut-off switches are suitable. Variable temperature kettles should be set to boil.
After heating, water must be allowed to cool before using it, and be stored in a clean, closed container for later use. Care should be taken to avoid scalding injuries especially around children.
Boiled water can be used for:
• drinking
• preparing beverages
• washing and preparing food
• preparing baby formula
• brushing teeth
• making ice.
Unboiled water can be used for washing your hands, showering and bathing, flushing toilets, washing dishes (ensure dry before use) and clothes and garden watering. Ensure water is not ingested whilst bathing.
Consumption of unboiled water can cause gastro-like symptoms. If you experience any of these symptoms, please contact your GP and inform your GP of this advisory.
Please share this advice with neighbours and friends in the affected area. Coliban Water will keep customers informed as the situation changes.
Would owners of rented properties please ensure your tenants are aware of this advisory.
For further information or if you have special needs, please go Coliban Water’s website or contact us on 1300 363 200.