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Axedale is a small town on the McIvor Highway in the City of Greater Bendigo. Axedale was founded in 1861 has a population of around 220 people.

You can view the latest Water Summary for Axedale here.

Water Supply

Coliban System (Northern) - supplies Bendigo, Axedale, Huntly, Raywood, Sebastian, Heathcote and Tooborac. The towns can be supplied by the Upper Coliban, Lauriston and Malmsbury Reservoirs, located near Kyneton. The towns can also be supplied from an 18 per cent share of Lake Eppalock, or the Waranga Basin via the Goldfields Superpipe.

Water Treatment

Water is treated at the Bendigo Water Treatment Plant.

The Water Treatment Process (PDF 43KB) includes potassium permanganate dosing, coagulation, ultrafiltration, ozonation, BAC filtration, pH correction, fluoridation and chloramination.

Water is treated with a booster chlorinator before being supplied to Axedale.



Sewage is treated at the Axedale Water Reclamation Plant (WRP), next to the Axedale Golf Course.

What happens at the water reclamation plant

The WRP produces treated Class B recycled water using a combination of aeration, clarification and disinfection.

The treated water is stored in a plastic-lined lagoon and used to irrigate the golf course.


The nearest standpipes to Axedale are:

  • Tannery Lane (next to CFA Station), Strathfieldsaye
  • Herriot Street, Heathcote
  • High Street, Heathcote

For more information on standpipes and how to use them, see water carting.

Projects and planned works

We plan projects and works to maintain and improve our services. Find out more about our current projects.

Last updated on 24 May 2024
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